PHD Custom Solutions Case Study

High Speed Mail Sorting Actuator

Mail Sorting

High speed lane diverting and component actuation on post office equipment, using a pneumatic mail sorting cylinder with manifold valve.

Original Cylinder/Valve Combination was Unreliable Over the Long Term, Causing Excessive Downtime

A customer needed a consistently performing, dependable high-speed cylinder/valve combination in a very tight-fitting application, to replace the original, less reliable cylinder/valve combination that was very widely used throughout the industry.

PHD Solution

High-Speed Mail Sorting Actuator with Manifold Valve that Meets Fit and Reliability Requirements

Working together with the customer and distributor, PHD's Custom Solutions Engineering team designed a high-speed, slimline cylinder with manifold mount for a MAC valve that fit within the customer's tight space constraints. In addition, PHD included ambidextrous valve mounting to accommodate various configurations in the field.


Dependable High-Speed Actuator Leads to Increased Uptime

PHD's solution provides high-speed actuation with integrated MAC valve in a very tight package with proven reliability for long life and dependable service. United States manufacturing is also a noted advantage for the customer.

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