PHD Custom Solutions Case Study

Medical Pinch Valve Cylinder

Pinch Valve Cylinder on Blood Separator

Spring-extend, air-retract pneumatic cylinder for use as a tube pinch valve on a blood separator machine.

Off-the-Shelf Pinch Valve Cylinders Did Not Meet Customer's Needs

A customer in the medical industry was not able to find the exact pinch valve to fit its application. The customer had an idea for its own design for a cylinder but needed some assistance to turn the idea into reality.

PHD Solution

PHD Custom Pinch Valve Cylinder Meets Customer's Design Requirements

PHD's Custom Solutions engineers collaborated with the customer to tailor a custom pinch valve cylinder with the exact customer-designed fit and function needed for the application. In addition, since the machines are shipped to various locations, the customer can count on the MDN distributor network in case local support is needed wherever the machine is installed.


Custom-Designed Cylinder with Long Life

PHD's customer received the assistance it needed to bring to reality its custom-designed, perfectly fit, built-to-last cylinder and has product support at the ready in case it is needed.

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